Note: The loop button has no function when pressed by itself. The ‘Loop’ button provides additional options and gives access to the following functions: Buttons Used in conjunction with other buttons to activate loop functions The Impact LX’s transport buttons perform the following functions: Button Now your Impact LX is configured in Pro Tools. If everything is configured correctly, you should see the Impact LX’s MIDI ports configured as shown in Image 4. In the Peripherals menu, go to the ‘MIDI Controllers’ tab, then configure the following settings: With Pro Tools open go to the ‘Setup’ menu and select ‘Peripherals’, as shown in Image 3.
Next you’ll need to open your Sysex tool of choice and transmit the data to the Impact LX controller.īelow is an example of how it’s done using Sysex Librarian: syx file needs to be transmitted to your Impact LX controller and to do that you’ll need to download one of the following sysex tools: Once the download is complete, unzip and locate the ‘ImpactLX_PT_templatev1.0.syx’ file.
Note: These templates will only work in Pro Tools 8.0 and above.